Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Explain how to study a new language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Explain how to study a new language - Essay Example most applicable to learning foreign language in consideration that this paper looks at how it can be influenced by psychological factors include the use of Mnemonics to link words or the use of ‘town language’ or the roman room system. To begin, the use of linking technique is widely used by many fast learners. It is applicable when the learner is able to associate images or events in the native language and use it as a reference for another word in the new language. In this way, remembering the word may be easy since it will only be linked with a certain image. The second technique, on the other hand, involves the association of the words with everyday things or images that the learner interacts with often. In effect, the learner is able to use his or her surrounding environment to develop his study by assigning names of certain words in the foreign language to such objects, places or experiences. Consequently, for the mentioned techniques to be effective, the learner m ust identify common words. After the identification of the language of interest, it is important to identify the common words that are used in everyday conversation. These words will act as a checklist for application during speaking. As a result, it is important that the leaner identifies the most appropriate materials and tools for learning. In cases where the leaner is in a country where that language is not often used, it is even important to use a tutor who may have experience and therefore guide the learner mostly in identifying and using common words. It is equally important to appreciate the culture of the natives of the new language to be studied. Language and culture are inseparable and therefore it is important to appreciate the cultural background of the new language of interest. Culture is connected with the pronunciation, non verbal as well as other verbal components of speech. In addition, it is through working with the natives of the language that one gets to understand how

Monday, February 10, 2020

Diversity in Organizations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity in Organizations - Term Paper Example Corporate trainers design programs which can certainly help organizations to implement diversified culture in the organization. However if diversity is not going to be managed properly then it can affect the overall productivity of the organization. Human Resource Management department has an important role to play for management of diversified culture in the organization. HR managers should create awareness among employees of the organization. They should focus on an idea that one single employee can not do much for the betterment of the organization. Employees can only bring change in the organization through their collective effort. They can not do anything positive individually. Employees are the main force of the organization that has to carry out day to day work in order to bring productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Employees often enter into the organization with diverse background. Therefore sometimes it becomes difficult for managers to manage them effectively. Manage rs of the organization should realize it as strength. Employees need to understand certain dynamics of this diversity since it can help them to achieve strategic goals of the organization. Top management should also reflect acceptability for diversity through their actions and behaviors. Relevant behaviors of the employee should be reinforced so that they could also realize that which particular type of behaviors is acceptable within the organization. Diversity can also become one of the distinguishing characteristic of the organization if it can be managed properly (Bell, 2006). One thing should be very clear when it comes to the implementation of diversity programs in the organization; the thing is that organization should know what diversity actually means in the context of their corporate culture. The differences of culture and the different ways of doing things should be respected by the management of the organization if it wants to implement such program. There are many differ ences which employees can bring to the organization. These include color, sex, race, religion, diverse educational background etc. However one thing will be common in these highly diversified employees that are to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and effectively. Clarity about specific benefits associated with diversity programs should be communicated to the employees so that they may know that what type of benefits they are going to be offered if they help organizations toward the implementation of such programs. New employees should get proper orientation so that they can also embrace diversity of the organization. New employees can easily accept such programs since they have not seen the past programs of the organization (Anca & Vega, 2007). Managers can mold these employees in a way which is required by the organization. There are many organizations which are accepting diversity in order to make their presence global. Experts are also of the opinion that organizatio n having diverse workforce can approach different problems in a unique way. They have knowledge base which is quite diverse in its approach and thinking. Therefore they are also in a better position to solve contemporary issues in a unique way. Managers should also arrange training and development sessions so that employees can understand diversity programs in a more formal way. Employers can further enhance the utility of diversity programs by linking some part of their compensation to their diversity